IMEFY, a leading manufacturer of electrical transformers, aware of trends in the environmental field, continues its commitment to the environment by developing the “life cycle analysis” of its products. Following the methodology established by the EN 50693:2019 standard, the organization seeks to comprehensively assess the environmental impact of its operations.

Product certifications: A firm step towards sustainability

In fact, last year IMEFY started the management of product certificates according to ISO 14025 and EN 50693:2019 standards. We have also successfully obtained LCA certificates for power and distribution transformers up to 2500 KVA.

IMEFY on the road to environmental excellence

Having already obtained the LCA certificates for power transformers, as well as distribution transformers up to 2500 KVA, we are now in the process of achieving certification by an accredited entity according to more specific and rigorous criteria required by the ENEDIS Electric Company, in the scope of distribution transformers.

Strategic planning: evaluation and continuous improvement

IMEFY’s approach is not only based on market trends, but also on an objective assessment of its environmental footprint, in order to adopt concrete plans for continuous improvement. This commitment reflects IMEFY’s leadership in the electrical industry, highlighting its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.