After months of intense work, IMEFY has launched its R&D&I project entitled “Investment in the process of cutting magnetic transformer sheets”, known by its acronym MAGCORTE, at its facilities located in Los Yébenes, Toledo, Spain. known by its acronym MAGCORTE, at its facilities located in Los Yébenes, Toledo.

Objective of the R&D&I project for Magnetic Sheet Cutting: To increase production capacity

The objective of this research project is to increase production capacity by implementing innovative cutting machinery in the manufacturing section of distribution transformers immersed in dielectric liquids (OIT).

This project has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), with the aim of promoting technological development, innovation and quality research.

i+d+i maquina de corte magnetico de imefy

Commitment to innovation

In this way, and thanks to the support received, IMEFY launches this new R&D&I project, reaffirming its commitment to the fundamental pillars of its Business Policy: research, development and innovation.

The project, with a budget of 2,023,900 euros, was carried out at the IMEFY plant located in Los Yébenes (Toledo) and was executed between June 17, 2022 and June 16, 2024.

Impact on product quality

The significant improvement in its production processes will be reflected in the quality of its products, directly benefiting its end customers. This advancement not only ensures more efficient and durable products, but also strengthens customers’ confidence in IMEFY’s ability to meet their needs with technologically advanced, high-performance solutions. By raising production standards, the company ensures a positive and sustained impact on the customer experience.