At IMEFY, throughout our 50 years of existence, we have always had a strong commitment to the continuous training and education of our team. This commitment is reflected in our new and ambitious Training and Retraining Plan, designed to cover all departmental areas that make up our reality.

A comprehensive training plan

Our Training and Retraining Plan includes a broad spectrum of disciplines, ensuring that everyone at IMEFY receives the necessary training to excel in their respective roles. This plan not only enhances the technical skills of our staff, but also reinforces the cohesion and efficiency of our teams.

End of the first courses at the factory

On June 7, we will culminate the training and professional recycling courses that we have carried out in our factory. These courses have included the use and handling of forklifts, as well as the use and handling of overhead cranes. For 7 weeks, our factory personnel have shown maximum dedication, actively participating and adapting to the demands of these intensive programs.

A collective effort

These 7 weeks of training have required extra effort on the part of all our factory personnel. The dedication and commitment demonstrated are testimony to the shared desire to improve and grow professionally. This collective effort not only benefits each individual, but also strengthens IMEFY as a whole, allowing us to offer the highest quality products and services to our customers.


Recognition and appreciation

From IMEFY, we would like to thank all the people who have participated in this training action for their collaboration and predisposition. It has been a great success and proves once again that, together, we can achieve great things. Their effort and dedication are key for IMEFY to continue being a world reference in its sector.

Looking to the future

We are driven by the sole objective of becoming better every day and offering the best product to our customers. For this reason, we will continue to invest in the training and development of our team, ensuring that we are always at the forefront of the industry.

To all those who have contributed to this success, our deepest thanks, we continue to move forward together!

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