19May, 2021
The Electric Company NATURGY certifies Imefy dielectric liquid immersed transformers under the compliance of TIER II.
IMEFY, as a result of the context analysis carried out, has already considered the legislative trends in its Strategic Plan, which has allowed [...]
05May, 2021
Two Imefy cast resin transformers will be installed at the Hilton Dili Palm Springs Hotel
Imefy continues its expansion in Asia. On this occasion, East Timor, in Southeast Asia, will receive two IMEFY cast resin transformers of 2500 [...]
30Apr, 2021
Imefy consolidates its presence in France with Enedis
Imefy has been the winner and awarded, for the second time in a row, of an international contract for the supply of Cast [...]
15Apr, 2021
Imefy renews its OHSAS 18001 certification
IMEFY has renewed the certification, by the certifying entity AENOR, of its Occupational Health and Safety Management System under the OHSAS 18001 standard. Likewise, and [...]