15Jan, 2021
The new Imefy winding machines will improve productivity in the manufacture of cast resin transformers
Imefy invests in improving productivity with the incorporation of new winding machines. In addition to expanding the range of winding products, the aim [...]
28Dec, 2020
IMEFY supports one more year with its social work to Doctors Without Borders
At IMEFY we are involved one more year with the NGO "Doctors Without Borders". It is time to help and promote social responsibility [...]
27Nov, 2020
Imefy renews the approval of its transformers in Algeria
Imefy has achieved the renewal of the homologation of transformers in Algeria. Specifically, the Autorizations d'Emploi (AE) have been renewed for its oil [...]
06Nov, 2020
Endesa installs a new 63 MVA 230 KV Imefy transformer as part of the renewal of the electrical network that serves FC Barcelona
The installation and commissioning of this new Imefy transformer in ENDESA's Facultats substation will allow the completion of the expansion and reorganization [...]