IMEFY has updated our catalogs of power transformers, immersed in dielectric liquids and encapsulated in epoxy resin. We continue to reaffirm our position as a world reference in the manufacture of a wide range of transformers.

A track record of continuous technological development and expansion

One of IMEFY’s hallmarks is the achievement of high standards of quality and reliability throughout its manufacturing range. This is achieved thanks to a team of qualified personnel in charge of design, manufacturing, process control and testing of finished products, as well as an after-sales service that ensures customer satisfaction.

IMEFY is continuously focused on developing management systems that respond to current global trends, especially in areas such as the Circular Economy, Sustainability and the UN Global Compact Principles, including the Sustainable Development Goals applicable to the organization.

Furthermore, in line with its Strategic Plan, IMEFY maintains its management and quality system based on continuous improvement, relying on the voice of the customer, the analysis and improvement of processes, and the development of new products (R&D&I).

Details of updated catalogs

Power transformers

Design is the first and most critical milestone for the start of the construction of a power transformer. This process and other aspects are explained in detail in the catalog:

  • Design (electromagnetic, thermal, mechanical).
  • Noise level.
  • Manufacturing.
  • Raw material control.
  • Terminals.
  • Main accessories.
  • Ecodesign transformer.
  • Tests.

Transformers immersed in dielectric liquids

Our transformers immersed in dielectric liquids for Europe are manufactured according to European Regulation Nº548/2014 with low losses (eco-design), thus offering our customers highly energy efficient transformers.

Where we specify technical characteristics, as well as other details;

  • Constructive characteristics.
  • Transformers for photovoltaic application.
  • i Trafo. Distribution transformer with load switch.
  • Ecodesign transformers.
  • Loss levels.
  • Table of dimensions, weights and losses.
  • General drawings.
  • Standard accessories.
  • Tests.

Epoxy resin encapsulated transformers

Epoxy resin encapsulated transformers are so called because the medium voltage winding is encapsulated in resin, using both thermal and vacuum treatment and a very specific and controlled gelation and polymerization process, which provide a fundamental dielectric and mechanical consistency.

In this catalog, we find:

  • Constructive characteristics.
  • Climatic, environmental and fire performance requirements.
  • Ecodesign transformers.
  • Levels of losses.
  • Table of dimensions, weights and losses.
  • General drawings.
  • Accessories.
  • IP enclosures.
  • Transformer parts.
  • Tests.

These research and development efforts are focused on creating increasingly efficient products, contributing to IMEFY’s commitment to sustainability and quality.